About Me

My photo
From a very early age I have been interested in comics, pretending to be Spiderman or some other superhero. Growing up with Mark Millar (Wanted/Kick Ass) I started off drawing Mark's first project but being young, impatient and silly walked away to chase a career in the police, which later became a reality. I served both as a Military Police Officer and Civilian Officer. Leaving the Police Service in 2010 to work in the Middle East as a dog handler in the private security industry and I am now currently in Iraq. I got back into the comic scene in 2008 when I started with a small 6 page project called "Camouflage" written by Martin Conaghan (Fallen Heroes), later lettering Martins Graphic Novel Burke and Hare. I am still working on lots of projects for various artists/writers, Barry Nugent, RH Stewart, Martin Hayes, Monty Borror, and Kaan Emirler to note but a few. I am the letterer I am the creak on the stairs, the growl in the darkness, the click of the empty chamber. I make the lovers sigh, the monsters roar and the mutely wounded scream their pain and rage.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Aleister Crowley. Wandering the Waste.

I am pleased to say that I have finally completed the lettering for the latest Graphic Novel which will soon hit the shelves ( Publisher : Markosia Enterprises Ltd )
This was written by the talented Martin Hayes and Art by the brilliant RH Stewart. Keep an eye out for this wonderful Story on the life of the weird and wonderful Aleister Crowley...you wont be dissappointed.

Here are a few pages to tempt you.....enjoy.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

A great story from the Unseen Shadows Universe makes the Irish Comic News


Art          Cormac Hughes
Writer     Corey Brotherson
Letterer   Paul McLaren

Friday, 14 September 2012

Fight or Flight

Just started work on a story written by Corey Brotherson and art by Jorge Oliveira...its another Tale for the Unseen Shadows Universe and to say it is stunning is an understatement....I cant wait to letter the rest of this story...here are the first two pages for you to have a look at.....enjoy.

Page 1
Page 2

Thursday, 23 August 2012

.I am the letterer
,I am the creak on the stairs
the growl in the darkness, the click of the empty chamber

I make the lovers sigh, the monsters roar and the
mutely wounded scream
.their pain and rage

Friday, 17 August 2012

Aleister Crowley

And another.....This is an ongoing project which I am pleased to say is moving along nicely and at a steady pace now....its a story about the infamous Aleister Crowley with the fantastic artwork of RH Stewart and writing by Martin Hayes....this graphic novel will be published by Markosia Enterprises and will hopefully be released early next year.


I'm on a roll....lol...Another fantastic project I am working on is the creation of Monty Borror and Joey Ellison about the legends of Boudicca (that famous female warrior)...and believe me this story and art kick ass....Things are looking good for this project with the high possibility of a publishing deal....watch this space for updates....here are a few few pages to have a glance over....Enjoy.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Unseen Shadows Universe. New Anthology

Well, what can I say from posting my last blog I have been working my little socks off....in particular with the New Tales of the Fallen Anthology for the superb Unseen Shadows World, hopefully due to be released in the immediate future.

This anthology is a combination of great stories and artwork which bring the Unseen Shadows Universe alive and into your imagination. And for this I am only to happy to be a part of it.

The four stories I have been working on recently are "Ashfall", "Stolen", "Historia" and "Fragments of Fate". For those of you that have read the 1st Anthology you will see that Fragments of Fate is already been featured however the new story has been tweaked and RH Stewart has done a great job in colouring it (original was black and white and still great).

I have attached a page from each story as a little teaser to whats happening in the Unseen shadows Universe.

Dont forget you can visit us at www.unseenshadows.com and browse though the new and improved website.

Also the stories from the first anthology can be purchased for the kindle via amazon so feel free to buy some great stories by alot of talented people.  



(Fragments of  Fate (New 
